Fishing for Good 

Sponsor Trips & Donate Now

Our Mission

To give back to our Veterans, Active Military, Gold Star Families and First Responders with Best-in-Class Guided Fishing Experiences. 

Fishing for Good, Inc. (EIN: 86-1387086), the Corporation is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes under 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The specific purposes shall include providing fishing instruction and experiences to veterans and underprivileged communities in order to support mental health, social connection and an appreciation for nature. Your donation to Fishing For Good, Inc. is tax-deductible and will go towards a sponsored a fishing trip(s) or a general pool of money being raised to advance our mission and conduct business. 
A man is standing on a boat holding a large bass.


#Fishingback since 2020
My name is Sam Veith and I started the Fishing for Good, Inc. DBA Fishing for Good Foundation as a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization to simply give back through the sport I love: Fishing. 

We see fishing as an activity that can help people in many ways: Physically, Mentally and Spiritually. Our goal is to use this Foundation to spread gratitude, joy and the healing benefits of outdoor activity in nature to Vets/Military, 1st Responders and Gold Star Families. 

Board Members: 
Sam Veith, Founder and President
Dustin Barnard: Vice President of Operations - US Army Veteran and Purple Heart Recipient 
Travis Cawthorn: Vice President of Operations SE WI & N. IL - US Army Veteran & Advisory Board 
Ryan Siebert: Vice President of Growth & Expansion - US Air Army Veteran & Advisory Board 
Thomas Reedy: Treasurer 
*Secretary - Advisory Board Position Needed Filled 
Please inquire for Board positions by emailing
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